The eye is a crucial sensory organ, with humans perceiving about 80% of sensory information through it. We rely on our eyes to recognize and navigate our surroundings.
Employers must provide eye protection at no cost if workplace hazards exist. The EN166 standard outlines the general requirements for personal eye protection.
At Würth you will find not only spectacles and full-vision goggles, but also face shields that additionally protect your mouth and nose from potential dangers. Our range also includes welding helmets that enable safe work when processing metal. We also have the right accessories for the care and maintenance of these products, so that your eyes are reliably protected in the long term.
The dangers to our eyes can be divided into three categories:
(UV and IR radiation, glare from light)
Suitable protection here is provided by spectacles, for example
(Straub, foreign bodies)
Suitable protection is provided by spectacles and full-vision goggles
(Acids, alkalis, gases, vapors, fog, smoke)
Suitable protection is provided by full-vision goggles, for example
Of course, Würth safety glasses meet these requirements for safety and comfort. In addition, our glasses are characterized by other features that improve wearing acceptance:
Employees are required to carry out a visual inspection of their eye protection before each use to check that the eye protection is in good condition. If the eye protection is damaged, it must be replaced immediately. In the case of typical wear and tear, care must be taken to ensure that the necessary visual requirements can still be met.
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